Android 18 is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball series created by Akira Toriyama. She is one of the few female villains in the franchise and has become a prominent figure in the Dragon Ball universe. Background and Origin Originally a human named Lazuli, Android 18 was forcefully converted into a cyborg by Dr. Gero, a scientist with a vendetta against Goku and the Z Fighters. Alongside her brother, Android 17, she was programmed to kill Goku but eventually turned against her creator. Abilities and Powers Fighting Skills Android 18 is an incredibly skilled fighter, possessing agility and combat techniques that rival the best warriors in the series. Energy Manipulation Like other androids, she can manipulate energy, enabling her to perform devastating attacks such as the Energy Wave. Strength and Speed Her cybernetic enhancements grant her superhuman strength and speed, making her a formidable opponent even for the strongest fighters. Relationships with Other Characters Kri...